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4. part - Grace and Rose

(Elijah is sitting in his room and he is writting a diary): Our family is like a death body. He's slowly decomposes. One person, which can save our fmaily is Grace. Our sister, which was lying some 100 years in the ark with a dagger in her chest. She's our only hope.
(Elijah takes a breath and pushes the room cabinet. There are the door. He's open them. In a dark room with only candles will be lit in the middle lies the ark. He open her. There lies Grace. He pulls the dagger from her chest.
(Rose is on the stairs before house and she is writting her diary: Dear diary. i don'T understand what was Sila thinking, when he say that I¨m real Stefan's sister. Why would he lie? I'm just little uncertain. Somewhere in my head is something what is saying, that Silas has the true. I have plan. I must know the true. And I don't give up, till I not find her.
Stefan: Where is Rose?
Caroline: I don't know..just a moment ago she was here.
Stefan: When you find her, call me okay?
Caroline: Okay..
Caroline: It is Rose?
Tyler: Who?
Caroline: Rose..the girl, which save Stefan's life...twice.
Tyler: Oh..I don't know..
Caroline: Got! It's she! C'mon!
Tyler: Where you're going?
Caroline: Behing her! I must find, why she's going to the hospital.
Tyler: Yu want spy her?
Caroline: No! i jsut..yes..please Tyler, c'mon with me.
Tyler: Ok..
(Rose is in the hospital, she see some doctor. She walks up to her and say): You give a break. I represent you. Give me your medical cloak.
(The doctor give her cloak and walk away)
Rose: was easy.
Caroline: Rose! Stefan was look for you!
Rose: Ooops. I would rather not to say anything. Damn it!
Tyler: We know, that's you Rose.
Rose: And you is who? Sherlock Holmes?
Caroline and Tyler: -_________-
Rose: Ok..what you want? I'm hurry.
Caroline: Why you're in the hospital? And what means this cloak?
Rose: I'm..ehm..I'm looking for WC?
Caroline: Seriouslly?
Tyler: If you want so as we believe your stupid lie, so you'll try to be more convincing.
Rose: Okey..I came to rob blood banks?
Caroline: And this cloak?
Rose: It's..a new fashion?
Tyler: Please..Caroline forced me to watch it with all the fashion programs. And this jacket is not and will never be in fashion. Believe me.
Rose: Oh .. so you're not Sherlock but the male version of Marilyn Monroe?
Tyler: And you're "little" annoying. Rather you look like a female version of Damon.
Rose: Really? This face and hair would rather not go comparing to.. uh .. no comment because it you'll probably have to break your neck .. darling
Caroline: Oh, stop the guessing both! Finally, tell me Rose, what you're actually doing here, ok?
Rose: I have a no clue that..I'm real Stefan's and Damon's sister. I's stupidity. But I need some confidence. So for this  I'm now in the hospital with this stupid cloak.  Can I go finally away?
Caroline: Oh my got..
Tyler: You really weird..
Caroline: We'll help you..
Tyler: Wait..whaat?
Caroline: Yes.
Tyler: No!
Car: Yes!
Tyler: No!
Rose: You do not ask me what I think about it? It's still my thing..not your!
Caroline: Please do it for me..
Tyler: Ok..
Caroline: I love you.
Tyler: I love you too.
Rose: You know what? Now I really have to go to the toilet.

(Elijah is sitting in a room with Grace, which wakes up)
Grace: Elijah!
Elijah: Grace! You finally woke up! (Hugs her)
Grace: Where is Klaus?
Elijah: Somewhere out...why? I need your help.. especially nowhere..(looks around, but Grace has disappeared) Do not go.
(Elijah comes to Klaus and Rebekah)
Elijah: I got two news for you.. one is good and one is bad. Which you want to hear before?
Klaus: The bad..
Elijah: So the good.. but actually it is only good for Rebekah to you it will not be good news ..
Rebekah: Tell her to us finally.
Elijah: Do you remember Grace?
Klaus: Who would not remember this bitch?
Rebekah: Klaus! It's our sister .. what happened, Elijah?
Elijah: Grace is here somewhere and wander around.
Klaus: How is it possible? (The nerves)
Elijah: I pulled the dagger from her body.
Klaus: You're crazy?
Rebekah: What?! Seriously? We need to find her!
Klaus: In any case .. you know how she is!
Rebekah: Where is, Elijah?!
Elijah: I have no idea where it can be! That's why I said that we need to find!
Klaus: Why just don't forget on she?
Rebekah: Why?! Because she behaves like you?! Oh I forgot you do not like competition!
Elijah: Enough! Klaus is you do not want find Grace, so you don't..but..we find her!
Klaus: But I want to find her .. So as I even simply could kill her!
Rebekah: Klaus! Nobody kill her .. We not seen her for years ..centuries! We can not lose her again ..
Klaus: Why you think, that I stabbed dagger in her body and put her in a coffin?
Rebekah: Oh yes it is whole you ... when someone from the family is able to confuse above your feet, you just stabbed him..
Klaus: And what? Now excuse me, I'm going to look our beloved sister!
(Klaus leave)
Rebekah: Elijah! We must find her before Klaus ..
Elijah: I know Rebekah .. The problem is that we do not know where she is now!
(Grace is in the shop, she try some things and influence the saleswoman, so as gave clothes to her for free. Someone to her intercession): New vampire? May I ask who you are ..?
Grace: I do not want to be rude but you can not ask! I do not want someone to know me .. I hope you understand me ..
Foreigner: Something's going on?! Any problems?! Anyway I'm Marcel ..
Grace: That's not your problem, Marcel!
Marcel: Just for clarification .. This is my town! My rules! A person who violates these rules shall die!
Grace: Sure! I'm Grace ..
Marcel: I am glad .. You're new here so I refer you here!
Grace: I would .. But I do not plan long delay! So I think that I refuse to tour here ..
Marcel: It will not take long .. Maybe the tour known better!
Grace: Ok ..
(Elijah and Rebekah are looking for Grace)
Elijah: That girl knows how to hide well yourself..
Rebekah: Look, there is Marcel with ..
Elijah: Who's there?!
Rebekah:'s Grace .. What do they do?!
Elijah: Let's find out .. Or are we just stand by and watch them?!
Rebekah: No! We'll stay here ..
Elijah: Why?!
(Grace suddenly sees Rebekah and Elijah)
Marcel: Original interested in you?
Grace: Hm..?
Marcel: look at the original vampires .. there are Rebekah and Elijah.
Grace: (quietly) I know who are the original..idiot.
Marcel: What?
Grace: But nothing .. I would have had to go.
Marcel: Do you fear them?
Grace: Fear? No way!
Marcel: A bold and dashing .. You remind me of my friend Klaus .. he is also the original..
Grace: "Really?"
(Grace and Marcel leave)
Elijah: Why do we let them go?!
Rebekah: Grace probably knows what she is doing ..
Elijah: Just hope!
(Klaus sees Grace)
Klaus: You here bitch!
Grace: Who dares to speak thus from me?! It's you .. (nasty ton) KLAUS! What do you want from me?!
Klaus: How I see Grace you don't changed..
Grace: And I see that you not too.. Even if you did not happen a few years longer hair! Or was it a few centuries ago?!
Klaus: Your sarcasm I really missed!
Grace: I'm glad .. Now excuse me I'm going to find a place where to sleep tonight ..
Klaus: I know where you could sleep..
Grace: I listen ..
(Klaus will take her to their house)
Grace: Where are we?!
Klaus: Here we live..
Grace: Who we are?!
Klaus: I, Rebekah and Elijah
Grace: So then I have to go elsewhere .. Because now I know, that I probably tomorrow don't be live.
Klaus: Grace .. Your brother over the centuries has completely changed ..
Grace: "I believe you" ..! Why you're even let me in the coffin during several years?!
(Suddenly come Elijah and Bekah)
Rebekah: Grace! Finally we meet again .. (Hugs her)
Grace: Council Rebekah see you again ..
Elijah: Why did you run away this morning?
Grace: Well what do you think? Be closed for several centuries in the coffin has own consequences ... I had to go somewhere to air. Did you know that there is such a thing as a cell phone?
Elijah: You have to more learn sister .. it is true.
Rebekah: We saw you with Marcel .. Abou what you discussed?
Grace: He referred me here .. thats all ..
Klaus: I hope, that your pea-sized brain do not told about it, that you originals vampire ..
Grace: Hahaha .. very funny. I not say this.. I'm not silly goose.
Klaus: Seriously?
Grace: I was several centuries in the coffin, but I still have strong enough to tell you broke her neck ..
Klaus: Please .. what happens to me? NOTHING .. I'm hybrid.
Grace: What?
Rebekah: Oh yes .. our brother do not enough to be one monster so he turned even the second ..
Klaus: What I have say you on this?..Hm..I am modest..
Elijah: Well incredibly .. (turn his eyes)
Grace: I wanted to ask you where you were before you came over to New Orleans?
Elijah: We have been in Mystic Falls .. Why you ask?
Grace: On some days I would like to go there .. It is not in my plan to stay here.. if you want you can go with me ..
Rebekah: We could it there our little sisters show.
Elijah: I think it would not be a bad idea! And you Klaus?! You go?
Klaus: No!
Grace: Why?! You don't displease your sister and not going with us?! For a few days!
Klaus: Only a few days!




By/Translate: Mrs. Salvatore




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